A photograph of a sign near Saugatuck, Michigan. C'mon, Democrats! Open your eyes and actually find out what has been going on over the last 4 years!
Yup, I'm back! I plan on uploading more pics of all the stupid things I'm doing these days. In fact, right now I'll give you a little update on the Nerd's life.

So, SLC has been over for a couple months now. What a blast! As a California 4-H Technology Leadership Team member, I had the responsibility to help take pictures and video for the afterglow, teach a workshop, and generally help out wherever someone needs tech support. Other than that, I got my own room and had basically no bedtime! This did lead to some rather tired days though. Ah well, I can't wait until next year!

I finished my Eagle Scout project with literally only a couple hours to spare.Now I need to hurry up and get a Board of Review going, before my 3 month limit expires. I'm not looking forward to it. Too much of my recent life has been spent by adults in authority shaking me around to suit their desires. :(

September was my county's County Fair. I had been raising a goat since July, working with it, walking it, and generally fattening it up to auction it off at the Fair. I also sent out about a dozen "buyers letters", with the intent of drawing bidders to the auction to bid up my goat. In the end, none of the companies I sent a letter to actually bid on my goat, but to other very generous bidders bid my goat up to $7.50/lb! Wow! I must say that the feeling of earning money in that way is very satisfying. Although if it comes to that, it is probably way faster to just get a job. :P

I've been playing a few new PC games recently, and I'll list them here. But I think you guys can all wait for a real inside look at them, right? I think I'll highlight a new one every couple days or so. I've been playing Descent 3, Minecraft, World of Tanks, Tribes Vengeance, Tribes: Ascend, Need for Speed World, and KSP. Look forward to more about these in the coming weeks!
I am deeply disturbed by Obama's blatant cover-up of the true nature of the Libya terrorist attacks.

Mike Huckabee said Obama's cover-up is worse than Watergate: "Let’s just get blunt. No way to sugar coat this — We’ve been lied to. We have flat-out been lied to. They know they’ve lied.... Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because he covered some stuff up. I’m going to be blunt and tell you this — nobody died in Watergate."

I signed a petition demanding accountability on Obama's cover-up of the Libya terrorist attack. Go here to watch the Huckabee video and join me in demanding accountability on Obama's Libya cover-up.

The Obama team blatantly lied about the true nature of the terrorist attacks in Libya. He must be held accountable. Please join me in signing this important petition -- scheduled for hand-delivery to the Senate this week.

You can read more about the Obama Libya cover-up on Liberty News:
